Saturday 7 December 2013

10 health benefits tempts you to chew gum

Bubble Gum Girl by Hajin Bae

Chewing gum is a favourable habit to almost everyone, no matter how young or old they are, especially for girls.. although it is not socially acceptable in many places and situations , (it is also unacceptable for males in my society) , and despite being one of the frowned-upon things in many social situations and life , Many of the Medical studies revealed that chewing gum have several health benefits , especially if they are sugar-free

I'll briefly tell you ten benefits that'll tempts you to chew gum without embarrassment as long as you be careful to not harm your prestige, nor expose yourself to embarrassment with others , and these benefits are:

1 . Chewing Gum helps you to lose weight, as it reduces your appetite.

2 . Chewing gum for helps in activating the brain and enhancing memory, as it stimulates circulation, increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to activate it.

3 . Chewing gum helps to get rid of or reduce the feeling of tension, anxiety and stress symptoms.

4 . Have benefits similar to the benefits of caffeine, so it is advisable to take them before exercising to stimulate the movement of the body.

5 . Helps to strenghthen the muscles of the jaw and face for girls girls.

6 . Increas the secretion of the saliva that help balancing the acid resulting from the fermented foods that cause tooth decay.

7 . The resin bond and sugar act as an abrasive to help get rid of plaque.

8 . Help with relaxing the breathing and muscles.

9 . Remove phlegm and strengthen the airways.

10 . Useful in the treatment of chest diseases such as asthma and cough.