Monday 6 January 2014


Healthy, well-groomed hair make any woman beautiful. using herbs for your hair is perhaps one of the best ways to achieve that!. With their help, you can solve any problem, whether it's thin hair, dandruff, excessive oiliness or dryness. Herbs help to restore your hair, give it more depth and pleasant shade. Herbs are used for rinsing, wraps, masks.
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The most famous herbal remedy for hair - 
nettle - This herb improves hair growth, strengthens it, prevents loss, is effective against dandruff and also improves blood circulation in the scalp. 
Burdock - It helps with oily hair and dandruff. Oil of burdock root is used against hair loss. 
Rosemary - improves blood circulation in the scalp, allowing hair nutrition and improving it's appearance. Effective against oily hair. Rosemary decoction rubbed into the dry scalp.
Lavender - a beautiful fragrant herb. Soothes irritated scalp, relieves itching, normalizes sebum production. Effective for hair loss. 
Sage - as well as rosemary, known for its purifying and astringent properties. This is a great hair conditioner. Used against dandruff and oily scalp. Effective against graying and hair loss. 
Tussilago (also known as coltsfoot) - an excellent remedy for scalp. Helps with hair loss, gives it strength and shine. 
Calendula - is best suited for the treatment of scalp. It soothes irritated skin, softens and nourishes it. Perfect anti-inflammatory agent. 
Basil - promotes hair growth and facilitates combing.
Birch leaves - help with hair loss, dandruff, greasy hair. 
Lime Blossom - gives the hair shine and density. 
Chamomile - disinfects and soothes the scalp, gives the hair shine. 
Peppermint - disinfects scalp and prevents dandruff. 

choose herbs depending on what problem you are having with your hair. Most often they are used for rinsing. Preparing the decoction is very simple: take 5 tablespoons of the herb and pour boiling water over it and let steep for 20 minutes. Strain and use for rinsing. 
you can also use it as a hair treatment, which will make your locks lush and beautiful. All that is needed - a handful of dried herbs (choose depending on hair problems) and 200 ml of olive oil. Mix the ingredients, pour into an airtight container and put in a cool dark place for 3 weeks.  Then apply to wet hair, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. 

Nature offers us a great variety of herbs, they can be used to maintain the health and appearance of hair.